
thaureyam© is an lzerobzero initiative dedicated to all artistes who are, to me the perceptible manifestation of the cultural lineage of all humanity; they prevent us from forgetting what it has taken humanity to evolve to be where we are, not destroy each other’s culture and devolve.

There is an artiste in every one of us completely capable of evolving our lineage to newer depths.

I want to do my little bit towards this evolution through original education material from my personal and professional insights made available for consumption through in-person or multimedia accessible from  this website, viz., (one of the two lzerobzero web-portals hosted by Squarespace, a web hosting service provider, the other being

Customers will be charged during checkout using Stripe Inc.’s services as integrated by Squarespace.

I, a sole-trader, gratefully acknowledge the services of my digital land-lords, Squarespace and Stripe for their services for operating my fully web-based business, lzerobzero. Please do let me know if you observe any spurious behaviour while using my website, I’ll report them to my land-lords along with other spurious behaviours I observe as I design and release my material using the tool box provided by Squarespace along with date and time. (eg. unable to type in text into the text box after clicking on the edit symbol on the toolbar as the pencil symbol got replaced by a flash symbol followed by a pop up box requesting consent from Blue Print  AI- 17MAY2024, ?10:??)


Sumathy Ramesh

Friday 17 MAY 2024 (home)

email: | web: